Monday, July 7, 2008

Well, I have not posted for way too many eons, which is a pity coz there's been quite a bit of stuff going on. Anyway the biggest thing by far that is happening at the moment is that tomorrow, my family and I are going away on a massive 2.5 month trip up through outback New South Wales, across the top of Queensland and then down the East coast of NSW. It should be awesome.

My main problem with this is that I won't have any reliable source of internet, only if I can *cough*hackintoanybody'swirelessnetworks*cough*. Well, they should secure them! *cough*.
Naturally I will be taking pwnful photos of everything, which will undoubtedly find their way onto my Facebook profile.

Ah, and did I tell you that we are leaving tomorrow morning?! Everyone's madly packing and being stressed, and I probably shouldn't be on the computer, but I needed to this before I left, ok, mum?

This morning I had my last checkup for a while at Dandy Pong hospital. Naturally this was a boring irritating depressing time even though the message they gave me was a very postive one, and the hospital repossesed my crutches and brace (yes, I was paying the rent :P). BTW if you ever need physio at Dandy, see if you can get Roseanne Molloy. She rocks a lot.

Anyway it's off to Charlton tomorrow, via Ballarat and Maryborough. Can't wait to see all the TRAINS! :P. Maryborough railway station is meant to be very very awesome anyway (like as big as Flinders Street - we will have to see....). Then it's off to Mildura for a couple of days, and then Broken Hill, and then all the weird sounding towns beyond. Eventually we will get to Longreach, and then Mt Isa, and then up to Karumba, which is at the bottom of the 'bite' at the top of Australia. Then across to Port Douglas and Cairns and stuff, and then down the East Coast past Townsville, and then to Brisbane, via Bundaburg (yay ginger beer), and then through Coffs Harbour, Newcastle, Sydney, Canberra, Albury and home.

Should be very good, as long as I don't miss you all too much :(

Anyway I have about 2 hours of organizing stuff to do in the next hour and half, plus dinner. Ouch.

BTW I should post along the way I hope. Unsecure your wireless if you are along my path. Please. Ty.


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