Sunday, May 18, 2008

Getting better

As you will probably know from my previous post, I have a had a badly dislocated kneecap, which was broken by the surgeons in Dandy Hospital and needed two screws. It hurt really badly for the first couple of days, I was pretty depressed, coz I couldn't really do anything except lie in bed.

But two weeks on, I have reached a bit of a milestone. Today is Sunday, but yesterday, Saturday, I managed to get to my friend's house for the day to hang out with some friends. It doesn't sound like much, but it was great being able to get in the car and actually go somewhere.

Today I managed to get to church too, which is even better. I can walk around on crutches quite well, and I don't feel as inhibited as I did before. It's great, i've been feeling the prayers of my friends and people and church so strongly, it's amazing.

Tomorrow I am having my first outpatient's appointment with the surgeon, which should be interesting, as my mum is a bit miffed by the service that we got at the hospital. Should be interesting, yeah.

Anyway, I think i'd better go and do something useful now, so peace out and all that.

1 comment:

Timberly G said...

Good job mate. Keep getting better. Reckon you'll make it to Choir as well as BB next week?